Caribou Grid Address and Info
This is the address you need to add to your Opensim viewer in order to log in to the grid, or use in your browser to create an account:
For enquiries about Caribou Grid please contact
Terms of Service
ï‚· You must be 18 years or older to create a user account with Caribou grid.
ï‚· Caribou Grid will send you an e-mail to the address that you entered when creating your
user account. Your account will be activated only when you have responded as requested in
this e-mail
ï‚· You must use a valid e-mail account. We will keep the account on file. You will be asked to
inform us if the validity of the account ends. If at any time you are not registered with a valid
account your account may be closed by Caribou grid.
ï‚· You are allowed to create a limited number of user accounts using the same e-mail address.
Caribou grid reserves the right to set and limit the maximum number of such user accounts.
ï‚· When you have created an account you agree that information provided can be looked at to
ensure that it corresponds to this TOS and does not endanger its application in Caribou grid.
Caribou grid may request any clarification from you by e-mail and reserves the right not to
approve your account or terminate it at any time if Caribou grid does not accept your
clarification. Caribou grid has no obligation to define the reasons for a denial or termination.
ï‚· Caribou grid is located in Germany which is its legal jurisdiction. German and European
union legislation applies. The grid and its regions may be managed from locations in other
European Union countries.
ï‚· Caribou grid has the right to require you through e-mail to change your Avatar name before
activating your user account. Caribou grid may inform you about the reason for this demand
but has no obligation to do so. If you refuse this request, your account will not be activated.
ï‚· (The reason for not approving an Avatar name may be that it is too close to an existing user
name in Caribou grid or in any other grid and can thus cause confusion about the person
behind the user. Also other misunderstandings are possible. You can also not create or apply
an Avatar name which Caribou grid considers to be against the intentions of this TOS or in
violation of the values of Caribou grid.)
ï‚· Behavior in any manner which is offensively coarse, intimidating or threatening, constitutes
unwelcome sexual advances or requests for sexual favors, is racist or xenophobic, attacks or
demeans on basis of sexual identity, or is otherwise likely to cause annoyance is forbidden.
ï‚· Any inhuman and disgusting behavior is strictly forbidden.
ï‚· Violence and threat of violence, be it physical or not, is strictly forbidden in Caribou grid.
Pushing, attacking, the use of any weapons against any other user or Avatar, or any similar
action is accepted only in designated role play areas, the use of which have to be authorized
by Caribou grid. Any excessive behaviors can be forbidden also in role play.
ï‚· The presence of child avatars in Caribou grid is forbidden. An avatar who gives the
impression through body and face as a well as general behaviors of being clearly younger
than 18 yes old will be asked by Caribou owners of their staff to make necessary changes in
the Avatar. Caribou owners and staff have the right to remove the avatar from the region
and the Caribou grid if the demand is not met.
ï‚· Caribou grid has zero tolerance for activities that can depict child grooming, prostitution,
violence and bdsm involving child AVs or other activities where children are bodily or
psychologically harmed. Such activities may result in banning users, particularly those who
violate child Avs, from Caribou grid.
ï‚· Users themselves are expected to understand what constitutes Inhuman and disgusting
behavior. If necessary, Caribou Grid owners and staff will intervene to end such behavior.
ï‚· Caribou grid is much more than a virtual reality. We are all real people and at best our
Avatars express our personalities as human beings, with all our strengths and shortcomings
and feelings. Respect this, be human and considerate, and you yourself will be loved.
Remember also that there may be many who can do things only in these worlds that others
may be able to do in their real lives.
ï‚· Caribou grid is an open community where all are given an equal opportunity to participate.
We don’t accept social exclusion or discrimination and there will be no groups established
for this purpose. Everything that is allowed in the Caribou grid public areas is legal and in
accordance with these TOS.
ï‚· Caribou owners can design specific regions or SIMs where more restrictions are applied than
those of these TOS. The additional restrictions must be respected as parts of these TOS.
ï‚· If forbidden or otherwise unwanted behavior is seen by or reported to owners or staff of
Caribou Grid it will be investigated by Caribou owners. If it is found to be true, swift action
can be taken even without notice. Caribou owners have the right to enter any property in
the Caribou regions and modify or remove any objects using their administrators rights.
Caribou owners have no obligation to explain whyany of this action is taken but will make an
effort to do so.
ï‚· These rules apply to anyone, everyone, local resident, and hyper grid visitors.
ï‚· Caribou owners have the right to restrict access or terminate access to Caribou Grid.
ï‚· Please read also our separate article on our approach to community standards which you
find on this website.
ï‚· Warnings issued by Caribou owners or authorized staff for breach of guidelines, rules or
terms outlined in this document are final. If you wish to appeal, direct your request, via
email, to Caribou Owners.
ï‚· Caribou Grid only processes data relevant to the operation of its service and does not share
this data with any third-party unless required by law or requested by law enforcement.
ï‚· With registration a user's Email and IP address are logged for security reasons. With
registering you agree that Caribou Grid logs this data for future reference.
ï‚· Users may be contacted via their Email address regarding their accounts, potential offers,
verification or security reasons.
ï‚· Users are required to commit themselves to these TOS. Caribou owners and staff are not
here to follow or control the behavior of users or other avatars present in Caribou grid. The
responsibility is left to the users themselves. If Caribou owners or staff see something that
merits it, they will react of course. Caribou owners can monitor sim statistics and contact
users if they consider it necessary. If they respect the principles of these TOS, residents and
other users are free to do what they wish in their own homes and inside in Caribou
buildings. If there could be a case of illegal activities, Caribou grid and Caribou owners have a
right to intervene also there and take any necessary action.
ï‚· Users who possess homes or second homes in Caribou grid can install security perimeters if
agreed in advance with Caribou owners. At their request, Caribou owners can take action to
end any violations of privacy by any users or visitors. Please note that Caribou owners can
and have the right to override or change any security arrangements.
ï‚· Caribou grid respects the privacy of its users as do the Caribou regions. Please refer to the
attached Firestorm Terms of Use for a more detailed discussion.
ï‚· Caribou residents, users or visitors are not allowed to engage in commercial activities in any
Caribou grid regions without the avdvance permission of Caribou owners.
ï‚· Casinos and Gambling of any kind are prohibited
ï‚· By design Caribou Grid cannot guarantee the integrity or security of content within the
Service. Users are solely responsible for abiding to third-party content licenses and
ï‚· Caribou owners do not exercise editorial control over the content of Caribou Grid and will
make no specific efforts to review the textures, objects, sounds or other content created
within the Grid. If Caribou owners receive a complaint from legal owners of content they will
investigate it and when necvessary remove it from Caribou grid.